Evidence Based Oriental Medicine

Long practiced in many cultures around the world, cupping is an accepted treatment in the holistic, natural medical field. It can be used to reduce pain...


Your peripheral nervous system is an important part of your overall health and well-being. It sends information from your spinal cord and brain to the rest...

Insomnia, which is defined as the inability to fall asleep or stay asleep, affects millions of people. It can lead to daytime drowsiness, anxiety, inability to concentrate, and a general...




Acupuncture for Hot Flashes


The shoulder is one of the most mobile joints in the human body when working correctly. We use our shoulders for almost all movements... 

Fibromyalgia, which affects approximately 4 million adults in the U.S., is characterized by widespread musculoskeletal pain as well as mood, sleep...

The word Plantar is a word used by medical professionals to describe the sole of the foot. This is the bottom of your foot from the heel to the toe ...



Studies have shown that Americans are experiencing some of the highest stress levels in history. With the ongoing pandemic, political and economic uncertainty...

You will know what a hot flash is when you experience it. Many women have described it as a feeling of burning up inside. There is almost always no warning, and it can be...

In the year 2022, there will be an estimated 1,918,030 cancer cases reported in the United States alone. Worldwide, cancer diagnoses will reach as far as 10 million people...

ACUPUNCTURE herbs & tai chi for neuropathy

Acupuncture for plantar fasciitis

Affecting more than 400 million people around the world and 37.3 million in the United States, type 2 diabetes is a form of insulin resistance that can lead to nerve pain...

It’s estimated that 9% of men and 11% of women in the United States struggle with infertility. While fertility naturally decreases as we age, some experience...

Acupuncture for Frozen Shoulder

Acupuncture for neck pain

Have you ever heard someone use the saying, “What a pain in the neck?” People experience pain in many areas of the body, but neck pain inconveniences...

ACUPUNCTURE for cancer therapy complications

Acupuncture at EBOM Evidence Based Oriental Medicine