Evidence Based Oriental Medicine

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Our Healthgrades Reviews 

Reviews for Dr. Yanchun Xu

Reviews for Dr. Yueshan Hu

  • Anxiety                                       
  • Neuropathy
  • Chronic cough
  • Osteoarthritis
  • Constipation
  • Patellar tendonitis (knee pain)
  • Endometriosis
  • Pelvic pain
  • Hip pain
  • Plantar fasciitis (heel pain)
  • Hemorrhoid
  • Restless leg syndrome
  • Hernia
  • Sciatic nerve issues
  • Hypothyroid
  • Seizure
  • IBS
  • Shoulder pain
  • Insomnia
  • Side effects of tumor removal
  • Infertility
  • Sinus issue
  • Low back pain
  • Stomach problems
  • Migraine
  • Vertigo
  • Muscle pain
  • Weight control
  • Muscle spasm
  • Wrist pain (carpal tunnel syndrome)
  • Neck pain
  • Well being

Google reviews for EBOM Clinic at Sioux Falls 

Google reviews for EBOM Clinic at Omaha  

Google reviews for EBOM Clinic at Lincoln 

Chronic cough: Marilyn from Sioux Falls, SD

Dr. Xu has greatly helped me. I had been having a chronic cough for over a year after having bronchitis and pneumonia beginning in December 2014 and I also suffer from acid reflux. Many nights I lost sleep and was up coughing, and also after eating meals; coughing more and was miserable. I had been to several doctors and two other acupuncturists with no improvement.
My first visit with Dr. Xu included a consultation which I explained my health concerns and frustrations. After the first treatment, my cough has gone away!!! She also gave me an herbal supplement for my acid reflux which is now under control.
Dr. Xu is very passionate about her work, understanding, caring, and thorough. I am very, very thankful for Dr. Xu helping me.

Pelvic pain: Ann from Sioux Falls, SD

I have pelvic pain since I was a teenage. I have been taking medications for many years and I tried physical therapy prior to seeing Dr. Yueshan Hu. After one acupuncture treatment my pain was significantly relieved, and the following treatment made the pain almost completely gone! Now I only need occasional maintenance treatment. It's amazing!

Anxiety, back pain, and stomach issues: Duane C. from Sioux Falls SD
I didn't know much about acupuncture until my wife started going. She loves them! So, I checked out EBOM. They've helped me with back pain, anxiety, and stomach issues! Thank you so much!

Low back pain: Nancy from Colorado
Immediate pain relief! From a 7 to 0 on the pain scale in 2 days’ time! Dr. Hu really listened to me and treated accordingly. I have had acupuncture before and knew it would help me, but this was even more helpful and immediate than before. Extremely satisfied - all staff are very professional and still friendly.

Headache: Kim from Sioux Falls SD
I have been very satisfied, it is hard to believe that the acupuncture has eliminated the tingling in my hands and feet, eliminated my headaches and has increased my quality of sleep. Dr. Yanchun Xu is very professional and is sensitive to your needs and wants to help you. The education she provides you on the course of treatment and the herbal support is much appreciated and helps to understand this type of medicine. The clinic area is clean and is relaxing. I do not believe there are any limitations.

Seizure: Nancy Ruland from Parker SD
I have been searching for an answer to my trouble with seizures for 32 years. Western medicine was never able to stop them. I have been seeing Dr Xu for over a year and have been using acupuncture and herbal remedies and I have made great improvements. I do believe that TCM can help our bodies heal if we are patient and willing to allow the changes to happen. Thank you Dr Xu

Well being: Alice from Sioux Falls SD
I’ve come back for maintenance and it gives me a better feeling body. Dr. Xu and her staff made sure I’m content with whatever we do to keep me going at 84 years.

Arthritic pain, low back and leg pain: Eva S. from Sioux Falls SD
I have been dealing with pain since 1966 after being in a very bad car accident.  I have gone to Chiropractors to try and help with pain in my back, neck and legs.  I would have some relief, but it would always come back.  After the first treatment with Dr. Yanchun Xu I was almost free of pain in my lower back and right leg.  I have had a treatment on my arthritic hands and the swelling and pain has diminished a lot. I cannot believe that I went all these years in pain and she has helped me with only a few treatments.  Even though she did not work on my neck it seemed like the pain went away after she worked on my back and leg.  I feel so much better to not have to have a sharp pain in my leg when trying to garden or do regular house work.  I would highly recommend her to anyone I know that is in some kind of pain.

Neck pain: Pat B. from Brandon SD
I suffered with horrible neck pain for 40 years as a result of an accident.  I had tried all the typical western medicine of cortisone shots, chiropractic treatments and prescription pain killers and found little relief.  After only 2 treatments with Dr. Yanchun Xu my neck pain is gone.  I highly recommend Evidence Based Oriental Medicine.  If you are thinking of trying Acupuncture then go to the best Dr. Xu at the EBOM she has changed my life.

Tailbone muscle pain: Frank Barnett from Sioux Falls SD
The first treatment totally eliminated the pain I’ve been experiencing every morning for 30-45 minutes before I can get it loosened up again. Very satisfied – have recommended others already. Very professional, kind and enjoyable!

Patellar tendonitis (knee pain): Carissa D from Sioux Falls, SD
I have patellar tendonitis and was told that I'd have to wear a knee strap every time I worked out. I had quite a bit of pain in my knee; it hurt every time I bent it and throbbed even when I wasn't doing anything. After a couple of acupuncture treatments, I have absolutely no pain! Its amazing; I don't even need to wear the knee strap I bought. I have also had a really tight shoulder and neck pain (probably from carrying a heavy purse and lugging my kids around). I've had numerous chiropractor treatments and massages, and nothing has worked so well as acupuncture. Dr. Xu gave me 3 treatments in my shoulder area and I definitely have a lot less pain. She also gave me some herbal pills to help with my joint pain. She talks a lot about meridians and how when they're blocked they cause pain. If I hear that anyone has some type of pain - especially in their joints - I tell them to go to Dr. Xu. She's a miracle worker!

Hemorrhoid: James from Sioux Falls SD

I was hesitated to come to see Dr. Yueshan Hu for my hemorrhoid problem. But I know surgery is expensive and there is a reoccurrence issue. Dr. Hu recommended herbal oilment and pills, also he did acupuntre treatment; I was surprised but very happy to see my swollen hemorrhoid were completely gone after three weeks of treatment. Dr. Hu is knowledgeable and cares about how I am doing. I am very satisfied with his service.

Hypothyroid:  Linnae Soldatke
I originally began seeing XU as an alternative to starting thyroid medication due to elevated antibodies and a plethora of symptoms associated with hypothyroid. She treated me with a combination of acupuncture and herbs and I’m glad to report that my last two blood tests came back normal and I am feeling much better physically. I also have been treated for lower back fractures that I received in a fall. Her acupuncture treatments along with the herbs reduced the pain and increased the healing process. I would highly recommend EBOM. Dr. XU is very professional and extremely knowledgeable. She has a quiet, caring personality and is truly concerned about your well being.

Low back pain: Dianne from Sioux Falls

I am very satisfied with Dr. Hu's acupuncture treatment. Decrease in tension – body able to finally relax!! Much less pain. Best part – all natural – body heals self. Less tension equals calmer system.

IBS: Sherry K.
Xu used her extention knowledge of Chinese acupuncture and herbs to bring about the healing that any number of other "healing" professionals could not. I am unspeakably grateful to be free of IBS (30+ years) and the sleeplessness (15+ years) that also haunted me. She is truly interested in bringing about healing and not merely treating symptoms.

Infertility: Kelly L. from Sioux Falls SD
I was able to get pregnant with just two months of your acupuncture and herbal tea treatments after 3 years of trying to conceive. The acupuncture sessions were very very relaxing. Dr. Xu always listened to my problems or discomforts to try to help me. I am very satisfied with your services.

Migraine: Alair A. from Sioux Falls, SD
I have suffered from chronic migraines and daily headaches since the age of 15. I have tried everything (and I mean everything) from medications prescribed by neurologists to chiropractic adjustments, even new eyeglasses all resulting in little relief. After 6 sessions with Dr. Xu (in combination with my prescription migraine medication), I have had only 1 mild migraine in the past month and have had 1 mild headache every two weeks (sometimes less!!) This is a HUGE improvement from the daily severe headaches I have been living with for most of my life. I also want to mention that I have a "fear" of needles; however, Dr. Xu was very understanding and gentle, and I was able to be treated with no problem. I will continue to receive "maintenance" treatments to ensure my well-being.

Migraine: Nate R from Sioux Falls, SD

I am going to agree with many of the other reviewer's comments I've read. I too suffer...or should I say used to suffer from chronic migraines. I have had very few migraines since seeing Dr. Xu for 6 sessions so far. Dr. Xu is remarkably knowledgeable, thorough, and has a very calming energy. I like asking her nerdy questions about the modalities of acupuncture...and yes she has always had an answer. Have pain? I implore you. Go see Dr. Xu!

Side effects of tumor removal: Pam G from Sioux Falls, SD

I have used acupuncture locally at another practice. This was 1,000% better and far different! The attitude of Dr. Xu is warm, knowledgeable and experienced. She immediately made me feel comfortable and safe. Her overwhelming knowledge and training was evident from the moment we met. She went out of her way to research my problem and show where acupuncture can help. My problem is different than anyone might have - as I am recovering from the removal of a brain tumor and have numbness on one side of my face along with reduced tears and reduced saliva on that same side. I wish I had used her 2 years ago when I first tried acupuncture on my face! As a native of China, her English is excellent and she understands me just fine. I am confident in my ability to communicate with her accurately. I would encourage anyone to give her a try if you are struggling with something that standard medicine has failed on. I would even say go to her first before standard medicine!!!

Plantar fasciitis (heel pain): Jeff C from Marsholl, MN

I had a really bad case of plantar fasciitis. I tried regular doctors and then a foot doctor, took shots and wore a special boot at night and nothing was helping. My neighbor uses acupuncture and it worked for him so I tried and this really works. She trained for many years so she is the real deal. She is very reasonable priced and truly cares about your well being. I highly recommend her for pain management.Jeff Chapman
Should pain: Treva H from Sioux Falls, SD

Dr. Xu is absolutely amazing acupuncture practitioner! She is a highly skilled professional with a very calm and gentle approach to her practice. I experienced a significant decrease in shoulder pain after just one visit. My shoulder moves more freely and has an improved range of motion after three treatments. In addition to her education and experience, she is a caring, thoughtful, and perceptive acupuncturist. I am very happy with her care and highly recommend Dr. Xu!

Pleased with the results: Cindy B from Sioux Falls, SD
My husband and I both go to ebom we are so pleased with the results we have experienced with acupuncture. Dr xu is very professional and knowledgeable we both are receiving treatment for different issues we highly recommend her and evidence based oriental medicine.

Insomnia, muscle spasm, and headache:  Lisa L from Sioux Falls, SD

I was having muscle spasms, headaches and couldn't sleep. My doctor had even given me muscle relaxers and they weren't working either. I did some research and found Dr. Xu, she is by far the most qualified in the area. She told me your body heals itself from within. I don't understand it but it's sure working for me. After 3 appointments I'm relaxed, pain free and have been sleeping sound since. Wish I had gone sooner. I also have arthritis and she's started me on an herbal therapy that's working leaps and bounds better than the ibuprofen regime my doctor had me on.

Neuropathy: Wanda Sweeney
After the second treatment of acupuncture for the neuropathy in my feet, the burning and tingling was almost gone.  I am very satisfied with additional treatment and, my pain in almost gone!
Thank you so much for your professional help and improving my quality of life!!

Hip, lower back and knee pain: Jan Koch from Sioux Falls, SD
I began seeing Dr. Xu several months ago and am very impressed with her.  She is professional, knowledgeable, and a very caring person.  My treatments have been for my hip, lower back and knee.  After the first few treatments I no longer had pain and now only go for maintenance therapy.  Her treatments and herbs are very affordable and I highly recommend her.

Insomnia: Jolaine Gerlach
I am very pleased with my five acupuncture treatments---I am sleeping MUCH better---the night sweats are much less severe----and I feel with sleeping better it makes the waking hours much less stressful----I look forward to continuing the treatments---I usually fall asleep during the treatments and that is a sign of relaxation

Hip pain: Paulette Haar
I went to this clinic for relief with my hip pain.  I hadn't been able to sleep on that side or stand for very long.  I am happy to say that after 2 treatments I was so much better.  I am thrilled with these results!! Thank you so much!!
Feel better: Tracy T from Huron, SD
First, for anyone who has a physical issue and hasn't tried acupuncture, you are probably missing out. Before (hopefully long before) you go under the knife or to the pharmacy for more drugs, please give oriental medicine a try. I personally know several people who have been healed or significantly helped by it, my wife and me included. Keep in mind that it may have taken years to get into the condition you're in so it may also take some time to fix the condition. Western medicine is good to the boundary of it's understanding and other limitations, but our bodies and ailments can and do often transcend it. We ARE fearfully and wonderfully made! Second, you won't find a better practitioner than Dr. Xu. She is mostly unlike any doctor we've experienced. Dr. Xu is patient, kind, interested, very accommodating and, most importantly, effective. We are very sure her main interest is in our well-being. Personally, the bottom line is that our lives are better and richer for having experienced oriental medicine with Dr. Xu. My wife and I love her.

Vertigo: Kevin R from Marshell, MN

I've used acupuncture and herbal treatment to manage my vertigo symptoms for nearly 3 years after western medicine failed to identify or improve my symptoms. It has worked beautifully for me. I’ve received treatment from four different places in Marshall, Minneapolis and Alexandria. Dr. Xu is the best place I’ve been. Her level of knowledge of Traditional Chinese Medicine, the use of herbs and acupuncture is unparalleled. I’m so thankful to have found her.

Migraine: Sue B from Huron, SD

A friend recommend Dr. Xu and I couldn't be happier. She is very knowledgeable and concerned with your health. I had already done acupuncture through a chiropractor and never had lasting results. Having several different health issues, she worked on my migraines first and I am now on maintenance treatments. I have spent thousand of dollars on tests and medications and only wish I had found her services sooner. I am taking less prescription medications now, that are causing terrible side affects and I prefer homeopathic, herbs and natural remedies. I know I will be healthier and happier after she treats my health issues. She is well worth a 2 hour drive to Sioux Falls. Thank you Dr. Xu!

Osteoarthritis and stomach problems: Noreen M from Slayton, MN

I have had osteoarthritis in my hands for a number of years. It was so bad I had to stop driving school bus because I could not grasp the steering wheel with my hands. Acupuncture has taken the pain down to almost nothing and I can now open up water bottles again because the strength is back. I also am being treated for stomach problems that I was taking Prevacid for and Dr. Xu prescribed herbal medicine for me three weeks ago. I stopped the prevacid and only took the herbs. My stomach feels good and I will now start to decrease the amount of herbs I take. I love going to see Dr. Xu. She is professional. She really listens and treats you with respect and the utmost care. I know that she can help you too!

Sciatic nerve issues: Wai-Yee B from Sioux Falls, SD

I had never had acupuncture in the past and don't like needles but decided to give acupuncture a try when my sciatic nerve issues persisted after visits to a medical doctor, chiropractor and physical therapist only produced minimal/temporary relief and side effects from prescribed pain medication. After just one visit with Dr Xu, my lower back pain was completely gone and subsequent sessions have gradually provided relief down my leg. I will recommend Dr. Xu any day. She is gentle, pleasant, and takes the time to explain her treatment regimen. I also like the fact that she is a trained medical doctor, first and foremost. As I understand it, the US does not require any formal medical undergraduate education as a prerequisite for acupuncture certification. That's a scary thought!
Neck, low back, and hip pain: Elizabeth W from Sioux Falls, SD

I have been to Dr Xu for 4 visits and she has relieved my neck and lower back/hip pain that I have had for a few years due to my work. I will keep going for maintenance therapy. I have never gone to any other acupuncturist but I don't believe I could trust anyone else to be as knowledgeable and skilled as Dr Xu. She is also probably the most reasonably priced acupuncturist in town, and also does extra services for you (within the allotted hour and a half time you have with her), like cupping, massage, tens therapy, heat therapy, etc that is included at no extra cost.

Hip Pain: Paulette H.
I went to this clinic for relief with my hip pain. I hadn't been able to sleep on that side or stand for very long. I am happy to say that after 2 treatments I was so much better. I am thrilled with these results!! Thank you so much!!

Neuropathy: Wanda S.
After the second treatment of acupuncture for the neuropathy in my feet, the burning and tingling was almost gone. I am very satisfied with additional treatment and, my pain in almost gone! Thank you so much for your professional help and improving my quality of life!!

Pain, hormones, and insomnia: Sherraine E.

Dr. Yanchun Xu is absolutely fantastic. She is gentle, kind, attentive and accommodating. Her caring bedside manner and obvious skill in her craft always makes for a pleasant visit. She's gone to school for eight years to master this specialty and it shows. She's helped with so much of my back, neck, and shoulder pain, hormones, as well as my insomnia. I wish I could take her with me on all my travels. Highly recommend her!
Lower back and shoulder pain: Karon D.
I have found remarkable results from Dr Xu's treatments for lower back and shoulder pain. Her knowledge and expertise of acupuncture helps me feel comfortable knowing a healing is in progress after I leave her professional and friendly office.

Fertility:  Veronika J from Sioux Falls, SD

I recently switched to Dr. XU & Love her treatments!! I have been seeing DOM'S for 15 yrs & think she's the best one I've seen. I've gotten more results in a few treatments than with any other practitioner in Sioux Falls & her herbal therapy is spot on, many of my clients have also began seeing her & all say the same thing. Her treatments combined with herbs for fertility are very effective.

Sinus issue: David S from Luverne, MN

I have been having sinus and headache issues for a couple of years. After consulting with numerous doctors and being told many different things I was done with them. I was sick of trying different drugs and the expense of the scans and ...MoreI have been having sinus and headache issues for a couple of years. After consulting with numerous doctors and being told many different things I was done with them. I was sick of trying different drugs and the expense of the scans and office visits. Not to mention I felt horrible. I went to Dr. Xu and discussed my issues. She offered me some options and we started treatments. My sinuses have been feeling really good and my headaches are almost gone. I'm feeling so much better and I'm very glad I went to Dr.Xu Dr. Xu knows what she is doing. She is very professional and takes great care to make sure my visits are enjoyable. I would recommend her to anyone with out hesitation. I look forward to my treatments and the relief that I get from them

Condition: Wrist pain (carpal tunnel syndrome)      

Client:   Zach from Humboldt, SD              
Who have you seen previously:  Chiropractor, Acupuncturist       
Comments: “Pain clears up fast” “I am satisfied by now”.      

Condition:  Migraines over forty years
Client:   T. Kalla from Pipestone, MN      
Who have you seen previously: Medical Dr., Chiropractor, and Massage therapist            
Comments: Haven’t had a migraine in the past few weeks.  Hot flashes gone.  Other daily headaches diminished in number and strength.  Very satisfied with the medical services provided.
Condition: Heel pain and hip pain for 3 years ago              
Client: Anonymously
Comments: I am very satisfied with the medical services provided. The appointments were always on time, absolutely no waiting, and the treatments were very effective             
Condition: Headache, Constipation Shoulder pain/ endometriosis           
Client: Michelle from Tea, SD     
Comments: Fewer headaches, bowels improving but still take 5 herbs 3 times daily        
Condition: feet and toes numbness, cold, tingling for around 20 years ago           
Client: Carmen Sioux falls, SD
Who have you seen previously: Medical Dr., Message therapists                              
Comments: I originally sought treatment for numbness in both my feet and all toes.  I noticed significant improvement during the first three to four treatments.  I then requested a change in emphasis of my treatments to help me with weight loss.  The last seven or eight treatments have included weight loss treatments along with continued treatment of legs and feet. I am completely satisfied with the treatments and services received.
Condition: Stiffness and Pain in right ankle area, muscle pain
Client: A. McDade from Huron, SD
Comments: Improvement and relief of long term pain that I came in for with only a limited amount of treatments.  My clinician had professionalism, kindness, awareness of my body, and was personable with a good personality.          

Conditions testified

Testimonies and Reviews

Acupuncture at EBOM Evidence Based Oriental Medicine